How long does the appointment take?

Allow an hour for the initial assessment of a condition so that a detailed assessment can be completed to get to the source of the problem.

Allow 30-40 minutes for subsequent treatments.

What are the fees?

Initial Consultation& Assessment $120

Subsequent Consultation $ 90

Initial Consultation Pensioner Rate $ 100

Subsequent Consultation Pensioner Rate $ 80

Subsequent treatment 2 separate areas $120

Subsequent treatment 3 separate areas $130

Home visit Initial Consultation $130

Home Visit Subsequent Consultation $110

What happens when I see the Physiotherapist?

You will relate the history of your problem to the physiotherapist and how it affects you and limits your activities. A comprehensive physical assessment will be completed to understand all factors that are contributing to your problem. This information informs a treatment plan including a tailored exercise program.

Do I need a Doctor's referral?

A referral from a doctor is not necessary if you are paying yourself or through your health fund. However, your need a referral if your are claiming payment from a Third party such as:

  • Work Place Insurer for an injury at work requiring Physiotherapy
  • CTP Insurer for motor vehicle accident injury requiring Physiotherapy
  • Dept of Veteran’s Affairs
  • Medicare Enhanced Primary Care Program.
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (if you are registered)

Should I bring my X-Rays?

For an initial visit always bring X-Rays including reports, scans or any relevant investigative reports pertaining to your condition.

I hurt myself at work, what do I need to do before coming to the Physiotherapist?

You will need to have a incident report completed at work and yours employer needs to contact the work place insurer. You will need to see your medical practitioner and get a referral letter if physiotherapy is recommended. A claim number will be issued by your insurer indicating that they accept responsibility for the injury when these processes have been observed. Only then can you be guaranteed that they will pay for treatment.

I hurt myself in a car accident, what do I need to do before coming to the Physiotherapist?

You need to see your doctor and be given a referral for physiotherapy if that is recommended. You will need to report the incident to your insurer and when they issue you a claim number you will know that your claim has been accepted.

What is Enhanced Primary Care?

This is a scheme under Medicare where patients with complex medical conditions are entitled to 5 physiotherapy consultations per year for which they are refunded $52.95 by Medicare. A receipt will be issued to you with all the details to allow you to claim from Medicare.